Do I need a Proofreader, Editor, or Copywriter?

Proofreaders find and correct misspellings and incorrect grammar. They also put material into ‘house style.’ They do not make changes requiring judgment, creativity, or critical thinking. They can make queries but have no authority to make changes outside strict proofreading trade customs.

Editors find and correct misspellings, incorrect grammar, and similar mistakes. In addition, they note inconsistencies of language usage and design elements, make suggestions that clarify sentences and improve the overall structure of a piece of writing, and generally improve the text for clarity and style. An editor might also check facts for accuracy, query the author on matters of taste and content, and suggest other ways in which a piece of writing might better convey the author’s intentions.

Copywriters create, add to, or improve written text to sell products or services, convey information, or tell stories.

ExpertEditor does it all. Call or write today for a cost estimate.